Do I have to own a VW to become a member?
No, but most people in the club own a VW of some sort, or one of the VW Group vehicles such as Audi, Porsche, Skoda, and Seat. Lamborghini, Bentley and Bugatti are also now in the VW Family and are welcome, if scarce!
I have a VW, but it’s not in very good condition… does that matter?
Many join the club for that very reason! Fellow members are a wonderful source of advice and help in keeping your VW on the road.
Club members have lots of daily-drivers (both air-cooled and water-cooled), some fully restored cars, and even a few race cars and cars undergoing rebuilding or even full ‘body off’ restorations.
How much does it cost?
• $50 per year for ordinary membership (including partner)
• $40 per year for concession (pensioner or student)
How long does my membership last?
Memberships run for 12 months from when the club accepts your application.
How long will it take for my membership to be approved?
Membership starts from the day your application is received and the appropriate fee is cleared by our bank.
Membership has to be formally approved at the next Branch meeting but no one has been ‘black balled’ so far!
Do I have to come to the meetings?
No, but it’s a good idea! It is the only way you will get to know everyone and experience the full benefits of membership.
We understand people have other commitments, our meeting nights might not suit and it is impractical for our many country or inter-state members. Attend when and if you can is much appreciated.
Attendance at meetings is recorded and a trophy is awarded at the final yearly meeting for the member with the most points for attendance, attending with a VW and wearing a club shirt or attending a club outing or other function.
Do you do things with other clubs?
Yes – we sure do. We join in with many other Qld based car clubs as well as other VW clubs around Australia. This also includes opportunities to take part in sporting activities organised by other clubs under Motorsport Australia (CAMS) regulations. There are ‘National’ VW events as well as our own very popular ‘Action Day’ in September to which other VW clubs are invited.
If I become a member, can I get cheap rego?
You may become eligible for it – yes – but there are Qld Transport Dept restrictions:
• Your car has to be at least 30 years old
• You have to stay within the usage restrictions (it is not intended for daily drivers)
• You need to be a current member and the club has to inspect and date your car, and then sign off the paperwork. It is best to discuss this with us if cheaper registration is your priority.